Late Registrant
Badge Portal
Demo Teams, Press, Vendors, Game Crossing LLC Volunteers, and other assorted late registrants!
Welcome, and thank you for your contributions to GameSchoolCon! In order to have your badges ready and waiting for you at Registration, you must agree to our Code of Conduct and Liability Release/Waiver.
Please follow these steps:
1. Click here to read GameSchoolCon's Code of Conduct and Click here to read GameSchoolCon's Liability Release/Waiver.
2. Click the RED BUTTON below and fill out the agreement form. Failure to complete the agreement form will result in cancellation of your badge.
Remember to read the fine print:
Lodging and food are not included with your GameSchoolCon badge. To reserve a hotel room at group rates, visit our "Venue" page.
GameSchoolCon reserves the right to refuse service to anyone and strives to be a safer environment for all attendees. Bullying, damaging or destructive behavior, underage drinking or drug use, or any other behavior that poses a danger to GameSchoolCon attendees, volunteers, or staff will result in removal from GameSchoolCon.